
A Move. A Shower. & A Baby Blessing

Talk about a busy week! Life never ceases to amaze me! We have really been thrown some loops lately...and thank goodness because wouldn't life be boring with out all these little adventures! We have moved but only about 5 miles, still moving is always a major task, thank you everyone who helped it has been much appreciated! we are happy to be where we are and hope to stay put for at LEAST a year!Chelsie had her shower and it made me want a little girl next! Mom did a "Sugar and Spice" theme and it turned out so cute!

Me, Brooklyn & Chelsie (our last pic one of us was a lot more preg, and now 2 are on the home stretch)!!

Lastly our little guy was blessed! Willie gave him an awesome blessing it was so sweet. Yes that is us holding our sweet little boy in a DRESS! This blessing dress is 5 generations. I was blessed in, my mom was blessed in, my grandpa (who Vance is named after) and so on along with nearly every other family member boy or girl from then to now, so no I was not going to be the one to break tradition! Willie wouldn't talk to me for a day but it was worth it!!!

This is just a randow pic but we tried him in his bumbo (yes he is to small for it put it was just for a min.) and he looked like a big boy siting in a recliner watching the olympics so willie put the remote next to him!


  1. Chelsie's shower turned out so cute! And yummy! I think it's neat he was blessed in the same dress, Willie will get over it. Vance looks like such a big boy sitting in the bumbo, and hey if it makes him happy, I don't think he's to little :)

  2. So cute! When am I going to meet this baby? I hope very soon. He is darling and we love him even though we haven't met him yet. Who do you think he looks most like? He looks like a pretty good mix to me.

  3. yes, moving is a huge pain, especially when you have a new baby!! we did it in june and it was horrible. i love the story behind his blessing outfit. it makes it an even more special and sentimental day when you have those traditions.

  4. Ok, so are you ever going to bring Vance by Grandma Shill's? Tomorrow we'll all be there. Otherwise we shall have to track you down! Love the Sugar and Spice theme idea. I think our next order will call for a girl too!

  5. Vance pulls off a dress and still looks so sweet and cute. It was great to see you guys last night. How fun that you have more babies and little friends coming for Vance. Cousins are the BEST!!! Glad you survived your move. Your hair always looks so cute! You do your hair much more than I...so hats off to you! :)

  6. Wow you have been busy! so baby vance even looks adorable in a dress, now that's saying something!!! I hope you guys are going to the marathon I really want to see you! Chelsie's shower was so cute! love you guys
