
9 months

Weight = 24.4lbs
Height = 28 1/2 in.
Head = 18 3/4... 97 percentile

This little guys new favorite thing is to go to dinner! He loves sitting on the side of the table in a highchair and getting spoonsfuls of mashed potatoes and bits of rolls or tortillas! He will sit and watch his learing dvd's for hours and kicks back on his bean bag with his silky blanket.


  1. Vance is SO cute! Sometime when you're not working and I'm not working we should have a play date! I wanted to tell you that if I would have known that you still worked at True Essence I would have had you do my hair!! I LOVE the way you do hair! Someday I will be good like you!!

  2. Such cute pictures,he's a growing boy...love him..

  3. wow! growing up so fast! what a cutie. see ya at melissas bridal shower!!

  4. okay i am getting a bit desperate to get my hair done!!! how about this Thursday night? what is your work schedule?

  5. Once again, you are so talented! I love the pictures! I need a family picture of us to hang on my moms wall, I just hate that we have braces on! See you tuesday for our walk

  6. haha yeah dont faint, i finally updated it. we love seeing cute vance pics which reminds me, we need to get together to do a photo shoot of her and possibly me and nyles. also let me know when a good time to do my hair is.

  7. He's so big! I love it! Cute pictures!
