
no pedicure for me!

Yesterday I had an incident occur... Willie was switching out our kitchen sink and I was just an innocent barefooted bystander when his foot
slipped...hit mine... and next thing i knew i was looking down at my toenail that was now flipped backwards facing the ceiling exposing a naked nail bed! In shock I flapped it back down and started to scream! and just in time for summer! Saddest part was Vance having witnessed the whole thing starting crying b/c I was! poor little guy! Willie felt terrible but on a better note my kitchen sink looks amazing!


  1. EWWWWW! My stomach is turning just reading this!! Maybe it will reattatch itself...that is so gross!! But your toes look good!!

  2. Oh my gosh that is so gross! I could feel my stomach turning just reading it. At least your toes are already done and hopefully they won't have to be done until after you are healed.

  3. Your poor toe! Ouch! It better get better soon so we can walk again!

  4. ouch! I'm in pain just reading this!! Hope your toe gets better!

  5. all I can say is ouch!!!! but at least you have your sink in..

  6. OUCH! I'm going to have nightmares...

  7. How's your foot!? Did you get my check in the mail?

  8. Yikes! Nothing is worse than stubbing your toe...I can only imagine what that mishap must have felt like!
