

Vance LOVES all of his girl cousins! Love you Avree, Alyx & Nixyn!!!

Last year I made "Tie -died" eggs by boiling eggs wrapped in silk ties,
this year I didn't search much for silk ties at the thrift stores but had
a few around the house they turned out ok but it is a really fun easter
craft none the less! Melleny, Dallin & Denise all helped make eggs this year... I have to
admit we all got into our creative modes this year...aprons and all! grandma Karen made the cutest easter cookies...my favorite was this little lamb! grandma D had some beautiful flowers in bloom when we visited payson


  1. I love your work! See you tomorrow for our walk!

  2. Such cute pictures! I think I need the one of all the grand together and then the one of Vance on the wishing well they all turned out so cute- you make them look so life like- Nixyn looks like a baby doll that Av is holding...great job

  3. OK, that little lamb picture is the cutest thing I have ever seen!

  4. What beautiful pictures! You have such a great talent! I am also LOVING the dark in your hair!
