ooops... we did it again. Yes moved again. That makes 15 times for me in my life so far, 5 of which since we've been married. Dad built homes for the majority of my childhood so we moved every couple of years. I've lived in the upstairs of our grandparents home while other houses were being built. The houses we have lived in have ranged from a trailer...(single wide) all the way to a custom house with a casita bigger then that trailer. All of which have become "homes" over time. I'd love to just stay put for a little while... just long enough to put down some roots get settled in a neighborhood and ward, but each house and each move has been as my mom always puts it "an adventure"!
On long drives and trips Willie & I love to daydream about what our life will be, make plans and goals and name our unborn children. When visiting family in Payson and passing through towns like Showlow we agree the small town life is intriguing and would be a great way to raise our family. When living in the trailer in chandler I spent all my 3rd grader days helping my best friend feed her pigs and chickens and riding horses, playing in fields and loving all of it! I think because of that I'm comfortable with the thought of small town life. When this opportunity to move to Thatcher came up I definitely thought twice about it and as we thought it over and over excitement started to grow. Willie spent several weeks down here before moving us down. He took to the town like he was born and raised here. I wasn't surprised! The fishing, hunting and outdoors are his passion and his job is his hobby... that makes for a REALLY happy husband! I'm excited for what this town has to offer. So far??? Easy, slow paced life, pretty scenery and really kind, helpful, good people. I'm excited to make this house a home.