
Oh man this post makes me want to start singing this song! 

Will I wait for you?..

Why Wally Kestler you ought to be

Ashamed of yourself

I've given you the best years of my life

I've stood here through it all
Through short and fat and tall
Through thick and thin and rain and snow and ice
And now you're questioning my integrity
Is that any way to treat your future wife

Doesn't morning wait for the sun to rise
Like a birthday waits for a big surprise
Like a baby waits for a diaper change
Doesn't laughter wait for a joke that's good
Like the big bad wolf for Red Riding Hood
Like a cowboy waits to be home on the range
After all I've said and all I've done
To prove my love is true

And now you ask if I'll wait for you
Doesn't mother wait for the bread to rise
Like a burger waits for an order of fries
Like a chicken waits for the egg to hatch
Didn't Alice wait for a Wonderland
Like Captain Hook did for Peter Pan
Like the alphabet waited for the letter Z
Like a faithful girl waits for her missionary

Saturday Warriors

During our move we both made a decision... to dump the 7 binders of letters, emails, cards and packages I saved from Willie's mission. We have been lugging them from one house to the next and all they do is take up space. We have never read through them in 5 years and would rather not have anyone else read through them.. They weren't meant for posterity they were meant for us.  I didn't want to but the anti-hoarder in me won! I went through and photographed some of the fun or significant items or pages so we could remember them and pulled out those really important and memorable letters. We flipped through them together for maybe an hour laughing an joking about how cheesy they were... It was a long time for me, a short time for him but important time for both of us. It has been 6 years this month since he has been home. Since we dated 2 years before he left it was tempting for us to want to be together and bypass his mission. However as has hard as it was to be apart his mission has been one of our relationships greatest advantages and blessings. But, now our correspondence can live on documented in photographs:) 

1 comment:

  1. AH!! I can't believe you guys tossed them out! I couldn't have done it. 7 binders full! Holy smokes!
