This is the year Vance decided what HE wanted to be for Halloween.
A NEWSIE is not what he chose.
I could not believe how clever I was using what we had around the house and $4 worth of material and socks to make these outfits. I was so proud of myself!
I was dying over how cute they both looked in them! Then I showed it to Vance.
"What's a Neeeeewsie?"
I begged, talked it up, showed the movie trailer, told him it was cool.
"I don't want to be a newsie I want to be a super hero!!!"
Ok. Ok Vance you win. You can be a super hero like last year.... but not before I get some photo's!!!
Thank goodness Hoytie doesn't know any better yet.

haha hoyt looks like he belongs in that time period in the pic he has his hand in his mouth!