
what's been goin on....

my lovely christmas pedicure...i traded services w/ a girl @ work!

temple lights w/ chels and nyles.....uhh where's the flash?

gingerbread houses w/ the williams and shills, uhhh SOME PEOPLE's are naughty!

notice the gold chain around willie's neck? that is actually a belly chain the was won during a white elephant. Don't get me started on the beard!!!

our tree out front is losing decorated my new tree
all it's leaves


  1. the house looks awesome, willie and everyone did a great job!! i think willie lost 20 pounds while working on it!!! he did a great job and worked so many late hours at that, how fun for you guys to be moved in and you have some wonderful neighbors to boot with that!!!lol can't wait to find out what baby shill will be!! (boy) my vote...at least 10lbs..ha
