
We've moved in/ Baby Shill

so we've moved in and completed (almost) our remodeling!!! it's taken way to long! this week is crazy and so will next but i plan to post again with before and after pics of the house and ultrasound of the baby! today we go in to find out if it's a boy or girl!


  1. I can't wait to hear what you are having! Love the Christmas pedicure, by the way!

  2. I can't wait to hear what you are having. Also I can't wait to see the house. I am so excited and I will be stalking your blog, until you post the big announcement!

  3. ok, the suspense is killing me here! i didn't know you were remodeling a house either. girlie, you are one busy woman!

  4. i would love to see pics of your house. it looks like its going to be beautiful!
