

ok so i know we were supposed to wait and tell the parents after christmas but willie couldn't keep it in! and since we will be seeing several of you tonight @ grandma prince's i thought i would post it.....were having a BOY! I debated wether i should expose my little fetus but these are the pics I have and i think the top one explains everything! (top left hand corner) He was on his belly when we first started the ultrasound he had his little hands up by his ears and the doctor said it's a little BUFFALO!!! ummmmm..... the fact that willie was an 11lb baby probably means the doc wasn't to far off!!!!! all his measurments were normal and his brain and organs are healthy, he was so sweet and moving all around and again this was the coolest thing in my life to date! willie could not stop grinning the whole day and of course had to call all of his guy friends and brag! ( like he had any choice in the matter) We are planning on naming him Vance after my grandpa and middle name Eldon just like Willie and his dad boyd and so on...We are so excited!!!!


  1. I'm so excited!!! And so is Avree, With all the little girls it will be nice to have Vance to look after her!

  2. Congrats!! that is SOO exciting!! do you have any names picked out yet!?

  3. Congrats! That's so exciting! Hope he isn't more than 9 pounds for your sake!!!! Yikes!

  4. CONGRATS!!! I can't wait to see him!

  5. Grandma and Grandpa are so excited, can't wait to see him!!

  6. Congratulations!!! That is so exciting!

  7. How EXCITING!!! I am so happy for you guys- he will be such a cute little guy with you two for parents! I like the name Vance too :)

  8. How FUN!!!!!! What a cute name and I am soooo happy for you guys :)

  9. ADORABLE!!! I will have to tell mark! He is going to love it!!!

  10. Hey Cami!

    I just wanted to say Happy New year to you and your Family!!


  11. im so excited for you and the name is so cute.
