
Bunco Prize!

Here's what I won @ last weeks Bunco! Sooooo cute! Thanks Lauren I love them!


  1. very cute, just think when vance goes to school you have a place for his backpack!!

  2. Those are cute, where are they from? I need some to hang keys on.

  3. she got them at a little shop in showlow...everything she got there was so cute!

  4. They are so cute! I can't wait until you have Bunco at your house so I can see how cute it is in person.

  5. So cute! Awesome brick wall too! I still need to get my prize up so I can take a picture and brag about my 7 (holy cow!) buncos!!!

  6. Camie, Hey its Noelle. thanks for the comments. I am so glad you found me. I think about you both often and wonder how things are going. I am so happy for you and cant wait for this baby to come. What a lucky boy. How funny is this. I didnt even know people could view my blog yet. How embarassing, you can probably guess that I am new at this. Ha ha. Any way. email me or post more specific details for a necklace. I would love to make something for you. do you want to add it to what you already have or not. You can always come over and see what I have and fiddle around with different options. I am going to Mexico for Spring Break. Be back Thursday. Cant wait to chat. Say hi to Will. Noelle

  7. Hey Camie, I love the nursery! You did a great job!
