

We just got back from Mexico and we had such a good time! I dropped the ball on picture taking but got a few of the beach and golfing. The weather was amazing and it was so relaxing! It made it hard to want to come back!


  1. I wish so bad we would of stayed longer-- I honestly think i could live there.. My allergies didn't bother me one bit and life was easy and simple and most of all just plan relaxing!! glad you guys had a good time, we are all going to have to go down when Zac gets home that will be so much fun!!! just to hear him spaek the lingo anyways!!

  2. Looks like fun...Will is so dark!! He fits right in down there!! I'm jealous!

  3. Hey Camie,

    Where is the pregnant bikini picture! Haha. I wish I had known you were in Mexico while I was there. Where is your place? We stayed in Sonoran Sun. talk soon

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. I'm glad you are back. I love Vance's nursery! Have your mom call me so we can plan your baby shower!

  6. How fun! I haven't been to Mexico in forever. Ben and I need to go sometime soon.

  7. Lucky! I can't wait to go! We are taking the kids at the end of May and then going again just Chris and I at the end of June for our anniversary. Vacations never seem to come soon enough!

  8. I should have gone even if it was just for one day... Billy has a week long scout outting the last week in May and I was thinking it would be fun to go there just the girls but then I realized your due just around the corner... But we really need to go down, I need to drag Billy there.. I'm sure once he goes he will like it. Glad you guys had fun! I'm jealous everyone is so tan, and I'm not...

  9. looks like a much needed vacation! how are you feeling?

  10. Oh Mexico! I love it! We've had some seriously fun times there, back in the day! I'm jealous of the beach time...don't worry it snowed all night last night! YUCK!

  11. You look so cute Camie! And Willie looks HUGE...as in tall with big shoulders (aka STRONG:). Chris always invites us and one of these days I'm going to make it down there, so I hope her invitation is sincere! Get out and have fun before that new baby rules your schedule! I can't wait!
