
This birthday came and went. We were so excited and focused on getting Hoyt home that birthdays didn't top our list. Hoyt was able to come home Sunday night before my birthday on Monday. Getting him home was most definitely my only birthday wish! We came home from the hospital to find that Mom had the house decorated and some treats waiting. Mom and Brooklyn came over the day of and we had Cafe Rio and held our newest little babies while our older two were out of our hair for the day. While in Phoenix at the hospital Willie and I both went to a favorite of his to celebrate both our birthdays as we had spent our entire birthday month in the hospital. The sandwiches were huge as well as DElicious. Monday night Willie got sick so my birthday/date night out to sushi quickly turned into a night in with our babies...and honestly after this last month it was a great way to spend a birthday! 


  1. was it because of the sushi? im so excited that hoyt was able to come home & he looks great & alert as always in those pictures. happy birthdays to the both of you!

  2. IS that Sekai Sushi i see? YUMM! I love Miracle Mile too! Did you go to the one by last chance? Happy Birthday you two!!
