
September has wrapped up. 
It was a long summer and it is finally feeling like we are back to normal. I am so happy to have Willie home after 6 weeks of working in Mesa. I am not cut out to be a single mother... and I really missed having my husband home at night. In late July while Hoyt was in the hospital we made a huge choice to change jobs. It was scary at first to make that leap of faith but so far we are happy and excited about what has come! Willie started with Freeport McMoRan in August and Vance now thinks his dad is Bob the Builder! We did a lot of traveling and spent lots of time with family.
 It seems like Willie and I  like to shake things up a lot. We are constantly moving and changing jobs. Somedays I think a permanent house, job, ward and neighbors would be nice. So far that has not been our life and I would not trade this crazy roller coaster for ANYTHING!!! 
We have so much fun and no matter what happens we are always in it together. Life hasn't always played out the way we hoped it would.  Still, no job, no stress, no move, no regrets, no hospital stay has ever been able to stop us from being a happy family. 
For that I'm thankful.

Labor day. No laboring here. 

First day

relaxing ride

class pet mo monster

left the keys in the door over night with willie out of town. oops!

Our beautiful evening walks

watching soccer practice 

glassing /box canyon

rolled out of bed, came to the kitchen like this,
 finger in his belly button and with all seriousness said, "i need a chocolate donut."

"The Wall"

Dad and Alyx's birthday @ copper steer steakhouse

FHE @ the park


Shill's GNO!!! so much fun with these girls! 

Davenport Girls annual reunion! 
Miss these girls so much! We had a great time playing fashion white elephant, games, walks, food, fun, fashion exchange, fashion show and lots and lots of laughs!!! 


We had the Freeport family picnic and it was so fun!!!
Vance said "Mom, this is the best day I never seen!"
FREE EVERYTHING! ... Willie said it was the best day he never seen either! 
Catered Famous Daves BBQ, tons and tons of jumping adventures, train rides, Dairy Queen, snow cones, cotton candy, popcorn, face paint and petting zoo.

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