We've moved in/ Baby Shill
what's been goin on....
gingerbread houses w/ the williams and shills, uhhh SOME PEOPLE's are naughty!
our tree out front is losing decorated my new tree
all it's leaves

ok either there was nothing on t.v. tues night or I was actually genuinly enjoying the republican debate on C-SPAN2!?!?!? Willie makes fun of me all the time but for some reason i'm drawn to politics... I catch myself listening to KTAR in the car all the time! Some days i'll come home and go on and on to Will about an issue that was discussed and he will just look at me and say ok ok settle down! He has even gone as far as calling me JANENE! (for all the fam, to me that is a compliment)! I swear sometimes I am the oldest most boring 24 year old ever! The "faith in america" adress from mitt romney is fantastic....It's 20 min. but if you have time it's worth a listen.
14 week pregnant belly pics......
miss the smell of a real tree???

I've spent hours searching maternity clothing sites, nursery sites, etc. etc. in the months to come i'm gonna be wanting some decent jeans that are "comfy" I love everything from "A pea in the pod" but wondering if there is other less expensive options out there other then the typical gap, motherhood etc.
10 Weeks!

Well it's not much but here is baby shill's first picture! this is a profile the head is on the right, legs on the left, if you look closely you can see a small hand up by the face as if it were sucking it's thumb. The moving ultrasound was so fun b/c we could see it moving all around and the little heart going a hundred! it is now 11 weeks old and the size of a fig! i'm still sick as ever and have a really rough time brushing my teeth, i generally throw up directly following....this has been no fun @ all but seeing this little picture and hearing the heart beat made it all worth it! Willie came with and was loving every minute! sometimes i catch him looking up baby stuff on the internet...he is so excited!
Do this if you want.... i never do them but unfortunately i've been occupying far to much of my time with the stupid computer to ease the "pregnancy nausea"!
- What is his name? William/Willie/Will never never call him Bill/Billy and especially not Billiam(only when i want to make him mad!)
- How long have you been together? 2years dating, 2 years mission, 2 years marriage = 6 yrs.How long did you date? FOREVER!
- Who eats more? Willie always! he is my garbage disposal...anything i don't want goes on his plate, he says he hates it but always ends up eating it anyway!!!
- Who said I love you first? Willie...we both wanted to but i held back and he said, well i'm not to chicken to say it "i love you".
- Who is taller? Uh willie, by almost a foot!
- Who sings better? we are both horrible but Willie is by far the worst! especially to country music!
- Who is smarter? depends he is common sense smart but can't spell to save his life! i'm book and facts smart but couldn't change a tire if i needed to!
- Whose temper is worse? ME, ME, ME yes i can be a little fiesty but it's compensated with complete love, devotion and adoration on the other hand. He gets mad few and far between and when he does he'll punch the steering wheel or something and then start laughing bc he knows how rediculous he looks when he is mad. Being angry does NOT suit him! he is always calm i make up for both of us!
- Who does laundry? both, i sort he moves the baskets and i fold
- Who does dishes? Both
- Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does or whatever side is closest to the door
- Who pays the bills? 50/50
- Who mows the lawn? well if we had grass he would, everyone in my family including my mom mowed the lawn growing up but my dad never let me, i think he thought i would run over my foot or something! i would if someone would let me but i'd probably never do it a gain!
- Who cooks dinner? What is cooking?
- Who drives when you are together? Always Willie
- Who is more stubborn? ummmm me i pretty much never back down
- Who is the first to admit they are wrong? always willie....isn't it always his fault. I don't engage in an argument unless i know i will win!
- Who kissed who first? Willie
- Who asked who out? Me.... it' was a mix up! i casually invited him (along with everyone else in the class room) to an exboyfriends concert and he assumed i meant with me. good thing right?!
- Who proposed? Willie the day he got home from his mission!
Who is more sensitive? genuinly Willie, but if i am too happy, sad, angry, i will start crying! - Who has more friends? I would say Willie I think thanks to him mom (chris) knows everyone in mesa and their relation! Also everyone remembers willie and and has such adoration for him he is always running in to people everywhere we go it is so annoying i never know when some one is going to pop out of the isle at the walmart and strike up a conversation with him for 45 min.!
- Who wears the pants in the family? Anyone you ask will say I DO even willie, but he and i both know the truth!
some good music.....

We went and saw this movie weeks ago and didn't love it. The imagery was really beautiful and story was really good but there were some really CRAZY parts wich we figured. However if you are a beatles fan you would love the soundtrack! I loved all the music! Even Will had some in there he thought were good. I wouldn't recommend the movie but definately the soundtrack!

2nd anniversary! 09/29/07

well ....well....well...


Shill's or Simpson's ??????
Favorite Restaurants
- Monti's la casa viega steakhouse - love the steak dinner, yummy bread & fantastic rouqefort dressing.
- Got Sushi - Dragon roll, we love any sushi however!
- On the Border - willie loves the XX fish tacos
- Charlestons - blackend chicken ceaser salad, talapia, the honey glazed croissant and our most favorite ever..... the bread pudding! seriously i am not a fan of bread pudding but thier's is the best!
- Texas Road House - i don't even like there food but i do love the cinnamon butter and rolls. I've resorted to just making my own cinnamon butter!
- Gecko Grill - Shrimp mango quesdilla's and bean dip!
- Cafe Rio - Of course the pork salad, been loving it since back when it was only in utah, love that we have one here!
- Jack in the box - tacos ( our guiltly pleasure)!!!!
- Original Rosa's - green salsa
- Garcia's - pollo fundido
- Melting Pot - lobster and steak and the bailey's irish creme chocolate
- Filiberto's (main st.) - Don't ask me why but there pepsi is the best there is..so sweet! i don't think they even add carbonation it's just like how it tastes in mexico!
- Jesus & anita's in Rocky Point - carne asada taco's & limeade (seeing a pattern??? we love mexican food)
- Michoacana in Rocky Point - coconut creme icecream.....oh my this is my absolute favorite!
- Sonic - Dr. Pepper Vanilla slush
Chelsie's Pre Wed pics
has anyone seen this before??? it's a traveling bedroom from IKEA!!! seriously look in there it's an entire room! that's a lot of work for a little advertisement!
k we all have put our feet up while in the car.... AS A PASSENGER! this girl is driving with her window down (it's 115 degrees outside) and has her left foot out the window... while driving! seriously that can not be safe!