ok so i know i've been a post-aholic lately, but come on I've been home for 5 days straight and i think i'm goin crazy! we go to our dr. apt. today for the ultrasound and i promise to not post for a while! But i have to tribute my sweet valentine!
I have no shame i could brag all day about how wonderful he is! But i'll just share a few reasons why i love him so much! Most recently
I LOVE when he puts his hand on my back when i'm throwing up and tells me it's gonna be ok and then proceeds to clean it up while i shower!
I LOVE that he made me a MOM and I'll have a baby that is part of him!
I LOVE when he leaves so early in the morning and he comes by the side of the bed and holds me so tight like it's the last time he'll ever see me!
I LOVE having my very best friend by my side every single day! I don't deserve him! I love you lil'