We had our apt. yesterday and the baby is perfect and in the right position. He's a few oz. shy of 8lbs but i havn't progressed @ all :( The dr. said at this point it's an issue of allowing my cervix to soften and not lettting him get too big. He wants me to go another week on my own and if nothing then he'll schedule my induction. I'm really bummed b/c at this point i almost have to wait b/c my dr. will be out of town this weekend as will my mom and dad so I don't want him to come yet which means one more week....we'll see if he cooperates! I was hoping he would be born before my Birthday friday since Willie and I are both in may but this baby has a mind of his own! It's at least relief to know he is healthy and the dr. promised me only one more week!!
It's getting closer though! Well when i had Willie Dr. Shill said "oh he is about 8 pds. and then they put him on the scale and he was a big 10pds 11 oz so i guess we will have to wait and see, and that was only going over one day of my due date!!! but for your sake i hope he's not that big, i would love for you have a normal delivery instead of a c-section.. good luck this week, i don't think you have much more room in your belly for him to grow!
O boy... 8 lbs already!! ha well at least he didn't say 9 or 10.. YAY one more week! Can't wait to meet lil Vance!
You are so close to the end! Hang in there! Going into labor on your own is so much nicer than getting induced! Hopefully your parents will get back in town and everything will start! Happy Birthday a few days early!!!
Keep busy and pamper yourself! Stock up on sleep...if it's even a possibility. I can't wait to hear that he here!!! Wahoo! I'm betting he's bigger than 8 lbs. I'm guessing he'll be 9 lbs. 12 oz. (I can say that because Lucy was 9 lbs. 15 oz. and everything went great).
I know with Nora Dr. Beck measured and she was supposedly 7 1/2 lbs. And 5 days later she came out being 9 lb 4 oz. I heard those things are usually within a pound, plus he'll probably gain a pound by next week. I LOVE big babies!
ah man! i keep coming to your blog to see hospital and baby pics! good luck this week, and dont walk around too much if you want your parents there .. i hear that speeds up the process! cant wait to see pics =)
is baby vance here yet?!?!?
Hannah, Billy and Avree
Happy Birthday Camie, we love you Dad and Mom, Oscar and Hallie and Elder Shill
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