Our sweet little guy is here!
He came at 38 1/2 weeks. I was not scheduled for my c section until the following week. I began having some degree of contractions Sunday. I was uncomfortable the entire day enough to skip church and struggle through our family dinners. Monday morning I had my last visit scheduled with the Doctor so I struggled through the night, took a few baths, rocked in the rocking chair and timed my contractions. They weren't seeming to be very consistent so I just waited to go to my appointment assuming he would tell me that yes I was having braxton hicks and to go home and work on managing them. After examining me he said I was dilated to a 4-ish. He suggested we move the c section up a bit so I replied, "Well I have my husbands birthday Wednesday so maybe Thursday would work." He said, "Oh no you won't still be pregnant Wednesday, I'm talking about today or tomorrow at the latest." My heart leaped! I'm having the baby today?! Wait. I have 6 hair clients scheduled this coming week, a photo shoot and a birthday party! Oh well! I wasn't sure what it was like to go in to labor on my own as Vance was induced at 41 weeks and I hadn't ever dialted even slightly. So he scheduled me for 5 p.m. and asked that I check in at 3 p.m. So I went ahead and cashed in on Willie's gift card to the nail salon he had given me a few months prior and got a pedicure and manicure before going in. Midway through my manicure massage I began to think that was a mistake as I was basically doing breathing exercises through the entire thing. The ladies in the salon all asked when I as due, and looked a little confused when I replied, "Today at 5." I made it home and called willie around 1:30 and said I don't think I can make it to 3:00 I need to go now. After getting to the hospital, checking in, and being examined I was dialted to a 7 and in the nurses words, "paper thin" at which point the nurses contacted the doctor and let him know the surgery needed to be bumped up. I would describe the c section as a delight in comparison to the previous 24 hours and considered it almost enjoyable. It went flawless and quick and next thing I knew Willie was showing me our sweet little baby Hoyt!

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