It was a gobblepalooza of a Thanksgiving!
One day all inclusive. 3 towns, 2 families, 1 day.
We drove from Thatcher to Payson. Then Payson to Mesa. Then Mesa to Thatcher.
The boys were so good in the car and slept most of the way. It was a gorgeous drive and anyone who says Arizona doesn't have fall, it sure looked like a beautiful yellow and orange fall to us!
We loved seeing the Davenport Clan! It was a beautiful dinner and delicious food.
Vance loved seeing his cousins and 2nd cousins.
No eating turkey for Hoytie but he did eat up all of the attention!
Pumpkin pie just wasn't going to cut it for Vance. He tried a birthday candle in grandma's drawer...no really... he ATE the birthday candle! Then on to Mesa.
Then we hit the Shill Group in Mesa. First to Grandma and Grandpa Shill's to see the extended family then back to shills for some yummy smoked turkey by Boyd. Had a great time visiting and laughing. Vance loves the Baker kids and we loved seeing new baby Ezra! After a couple of car parts, some gas, hugs and kisses goodbye back on the road. A quick stop by Sevey's to pick up a rocking chair and on our way. Lots of rain and mileage later we were home... at 11. Great gobbly day!
Saturday Mom and Dad came to Thatcher and we had a BBQ fireside and a quick day at the park.
OH how THANKFUL we are for family. Families are what this life is made of!
love you!
