Vance's first week was very eventfull we had lots and lots of visitors like Grandma D. He went to his first outing (i didn't want him to go but Willie insisted) to Famous Daves...figures that would be his first resteraunt! He also slept ALOT! I layed him on a pillow and stepped away to brush my teeth and when I came back he had both his hands behind his head just "chillaxin" ! what a funny baby!
he is adorable!!! im so glad that he is sleeping a lot! make sure you sleep when he is sleeping! how is the feeding going? i had the hardest time! i hope everything is going great for you!
Ha ha I love that picture with his arms behind his head! Thats so cute! Your brave Camie, I didn't want to leave the house for weeks! I don't think I wore anything but pj's and no make-up for like 3 weeks! haha He is so cute I just can't get enough of him!!
He is so cute! I also love him with this hands behind his head. How are you feeling? You seem to be better then I was a week after having a c-section. I feel like I can barely walk still.
Those pics are too cute!! I love the one on the bed!! It seems like such a "Shill" boy pose!! Like his dad and grandpa! You look great!!
What cute picture! can't wait to hold him again!! What an angel..
He looks like a three month old! What an awesome kid.
What a cute blanket he has to snugle in someone sure 'loves' him!!
Have Chris call me when you are over visiting I would love to see him in person.
Cami! i can't believe it! he's here! he is really really cute! and he's got a lot of dark hair! i love it! i need to come and hold this boy! I miss ya!
He is SO beautiful! I'm glad things are going so well. Enjoy this sleepy stage while it lasts, you'll be daydreaming about these first few weeks soon enough!
How cute, Camie! He is such a cutie pie!
I just love him! He is so cute and I can't believe I will have one soon too! Thanks for letting me love him and kiss him, I just can't get enough of him!
You know you're a Shill...
When you go to Famous Dave's a week after having a C-section!
You know you're a Shill...
When having Famous Dave's be the newborns 1st restaurant is priority!
Ha! That's awesome! Totally good thinking! I better it was nice for you all to get out and enjoy some good eats! I'm way jealous! He is adorable and that chillaxin is so dang cute! I'm so glad you guys are doing well and enjoying! Congrats!
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