We celebrated Melissa & Dallin's wedding this weekend! Thur. 20 or so friends and family of lissa's went to Cheesecake Factory and Fri. we spent the majority of the day in the temple for melissa's endowment then sealing. It was a lovely day filled with the spirit and family. Sat. night they celebrated at stonebridge manner and had a great reception. It's not every day you have your husbands cousin marry your cousin! Congrats love ya guys!
twas allot of fun and you did a great job on her hair by the way!!!it was such nice weather couldn't of asked for better..
it was fun!!! good to hang out with you =) he hair was beautiful ... all 3 times =)!!
I'm sad I missed it. Av is sittin on my lap and she started waving to the picture of you and said bye bye camie.. and then she pointed to Melissa's picture and said o pretty... ha
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