I had a great birthday weekend especially because I half expected to be in the hospital having a baby but that wasn't meant to be! so instead we spent the weekend in Payson! my parents were @ youth conference so they met us there sat. and my grandma and aunt debbie put together a fun little birthday set up! We had dinner in Payson and the following morning drove to Show Low to watch my bro. Candon compete in a mini Triathalon in which he finished 2nd in his age group. It was a fun time, good weather and I was mainly just relieved to get out of my house for a little bit! I got a lot of fun stuff from everyone and fun accessories for my camera from Willie...Sunday @ the shill's Hannah had made a GIANT cupcake it was sooo cute and delicious! I also made out with a 2 year subscribtion to popular photography magazine, giftcards and pedicure! Thanks everyone! 

Glad you had a great B-Day! We will see you guys at Sunday Dinner! Avree misses you guys!
Looks like you guys had fun, can't wait for your to see the cake Hannah made so cute, now we just have to get Vance here...
happy b-day! i can't believe that you don't have a baby yet!!! im getting so excited for you!! by the way how old is your older brother?? we will miss you at bunko on friday!! you better come if you don't have a baby by then!!
hello, you don't know me, but I have been looking at your blog for awhile now. I saw it from a friends blog. Anyway, I saw the Seveys name in your list of names, so I clicked on it to see if it was Richard, and It was. We used to be in the same ward with him many many years ago when they lived in Chandler. They were very good friends with my parents. Ask them if they remember randy and marilou Randall. Thats my parents. So are you there daughter? Wow, small world. Anyway, good luck to you. Vance is a cute name. I have a 4 month old boy. It has been a joy to have him. You can check out my blog if you want. It is durham17.blogspot.com good luck!!
Happy Birthday Camie! I can't believe we are 25! I still feel like we are 17 years old! I am so lucky to have you as my best friend! You mean so much to me! I can't wait for little Vance to come! You'll be such an amazing mom! I love you and I hope you felt super special on your birthday!
Dude Willie, its been a while man how is life?
Happy Birthday Camie! Even though it's a bummer Vance didn't come over the weekend, it will be nice not to share your day with him. Birthdays can be hectic enough!
So what's the scoop?!? I was washing dishes tonight and started panicking because I hadn't checked your blog for a few days and I thought I'd missed Vance's grand entrance. Is he here? What's the plan with induction? Are you there now? You said one more week and it's been 2 days over...so if you can't tell I'm kind of dying! I want to be a Great Aunt to my first Great Nephew!!! Wahoo!!! Hope things are going well and he gets here safe! I'll be thinking of you guys and praying for you.
Happy Birthday Camie! I keep checking your blog every time I am on to see if there is any new news- I can't wait to see little Vance! I am sure you feel the same :) Good Luck Girl!!!
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