yes i'm afllicted with the nausea, no vomiting yet but all day nausea!!!! if anyone has any tips or advice i'd love to try anything. It set in last week in full swing and has not let up... this is not what i signed up for! I don't want to be a baby about it i just want to be able to cope with everyday activities and be able to work! any suggestions let me know!
I had that same issue and I just had to kinda cope. I got so sick of the saltines and so I just ate whatever sounded good at the time and that helped sometimes. :) I'm sorry, first trimester isn't that fun!
You don't know me, I am Sandy Williams niece. But I have 3 kids and was nauseous with all 3 and only this last one did I find a miracle drug. My OB prescribed Zofran. It seriously made a HUGE difference. Good luck. Heidi
I was lucky in the first trimester (2nd and 3rd sucked for me!)and didn't have hardly any nausea except when I brushed my teeth, that was the worst! When I did feel sick though ginger ale or ginger candy helped a little. I've had some friends take Zofran when it got really bad and there is always the vitamin B-6 thing people use. Good luck--hopefully you'll be over this stage soon!
hahaha! It's the pits, huh! All I could ever stomach was watermelon, cantelope, and grapes (although I had to peel the skins off those). Pregnancy is such a weird time. Make sure you keep a good journal! It's amazing how much I've already forgotten and Macy is only 10 months old.
I never had morning or all day sickness so I am really no help, but I know Katie had to eat eggs every morning to help but not get rid of it. Make sure you eat alot of protein.
You don't know me either but I'm Jill Holyoak's companion. Just had to comment because I had the exact same thing. My doctor said Vitamin b6 and 1/2 Unisom at night. It was a miracle combination. See what your Dr. says about it.
Hi! My name is Brittany Williams (hubbard) and I am Will's cousin! I found your page and you guys are sooo cute. Sorry about the morning sickness, I was always sick during the first trimester, but don't worry, because it will be SOOO much better during the second trimester. I would just eat really bland foods like soup and stuff and that made it better. CONGRATS though :) My blog is set to private, but you can email me at brittanyh@gmail.com if you want to view and be added. Anyway, good to see you guys are doing well :)
Oh man, I'm so sorry! My sister in law swears by this little concoction....1/2 a Unisom (it's just a safe sleeping pill that you can buy over the counter that is safe to take while your pregnant) with a Vitamin B. Try that! Good luck! :)
Like the new layout!
Poop!! I hate having the morning sickness! I had nausea all day too. I was told to eat crackers the second I woke up and to drink water. (don't even get out of bed) keep it on the night stand. Zofran definitely works but I believe it has to be prescribed and my sister took that for vomiting... I also took an OTC drug. It was liquid. I went to the store and asked the pharmacist what I could take and she took me to the isle that has all the nausea medicine. I think it is for pregnancy. Just ask the pharmacist. Everybody is different so who knows if anything will work! How is it having to work and feel like poop? I got to sit down but I can't imagine having to stand up all day! Good luck to ya!
im so sorry. i wasnt sick at all and was hoping you were the same way. guess not. i hope things get better for you.
Oh you poor thing! I was so dang sick with my girls, barfing all the time. With my boys, I was sick and only barfed sometimes. Seriously, go to Nature's Finest or Sprouts and buy some ginger root capsules. For a bottle it's like $5. Totally works and I didn't even burp them up! Also make sure you are getting plenty of protein. Eggs every morning, yum yum.
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