Vance will actually be 11months on the 9th but he tagged along on Avree and Nixyn's shoot yesterday so I figured i would just use the few i got of him for his 11 month pics... However i am the worst mother and sat vance on a bench with avree and he nosed dived into the grass and came up with a mouth full of dirt... you cant see it in these pics (thanks to photoshop) but he has scratches all over his nose and cheeks! i felt so bad!
So cute, that made me feel so bad when i herd he took a nose dive, sorry Vance, Grandma loves you!!
You are getting really good. I wish I could figure out photoshop and my camera better.
I felt so bad for him! It happened so fast! Poor little guy. The pictures turned out cute! I can't wait to see Av and Nixyns. Thanks Cam!
that first picture is so so cute!!! what tool in photoshop did you use to make the edges all old looking?
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