First of all no form of labor is "false" the pain is VERY real!... so i'll just refer to it as "pre labor" and if one more person tells me it's just Braxton Hicks I'll scream! In all my research and conversation with clients and hearing everyone's pregnancy and birth stories this time of limbo between false and real labor was never explained to me and it kinda blind sided me this last 5 days. Starting this last thur. I developed a high fever i was having hot and cold chills and achey all over, shivering and wanting to bundle up (yes even with the heat) and then sweating sooo bad and wanting a cold shower! I started contracting in 5 min. intervals that eventually by sunday developed into contractions every 2 or 3 min. for 60-75 sec. The doctor on call suggested that i take tylenol to get to the fever to come down and let them know if anything came up. I wasn't exactly looking for the "take 2 tylenol and call me in the morning" answer but the tylenol did work and eventually my fever came down, however i continued contracting regularly through mon. until my apt mon. At my apt. my doctor told me i hadn't softened @ all!!!! i told him... but i haven't slept for 3 days! he sympathyzed with my pain (as much as he could) told me i'm experiencing pre labor and the contractions were most likely brought on from the high fever, and that b/c i'm just 38 weeks and this is my first pregnancy he would prefer not to induce me to prevent other complications and cause a long labor for me and then suggested tylenol p.m. to sleep!!! Let me just tell you i had the car seat and our bags in the car hoping he would send us straight over to the hospital! I could not have been more wrong... or dissapointed or frustrated...or sore! So still in lots of pain, exhausted as ever i popped 2 tylenol p.m. last night hit the bed and only woke up twice last night and slept in all morning! This morning no more regular contractions a few "braxton hicks" this morning but NOTHING compared to the last weekend! just feeling sooo sad i don't have a baby yet!!! I'm just relieved to have the contractions settled especially if I may go 2 more weeks! So with no more work I guess i'll just go get a pedicure, clean my house for the hundredth time, and watch all the shows I have on the dvr and just WAIT! Hopefully i'll have good news to report sooner then later!
here i am @ 38 weeks or so and still VERY pregnant!!!

:( i hope he comes soon! you still look amazing tho!!! cant wait to see him
Vance is teaching you patients!! he's not ready to come out to the Hot weather!! he wants to surprise you, i say go lay out at your mom's and relax in the pool and get all the sleep you can, cause after you have him your sleep won't be the same! I was actually sad for you too. but he will come when he is good and ready, he's a shill they tend to be alitte stubburn! can't wait to be woke up or here some exciting news in the next week or so though!!
Do you want me to bring Avree over? She will jump on your tummy and push him out! My second to last doc appt I told my doc I was so ready to have the baby and so sick of being pregnant so she called the hospital and scheduled me to get induced a week before my due date... But I will never do it again! Just wait it out and the little stinker will come when he is ready, But then again we all want to see him! I just read that it makes labor way worse, after the fact. Just don't go into labor this weekend! We will be out of town and I'll be so sad!
DOn't worry girlie...waiting is the worst part at the end! He will be here so soon, and the longer he waits, the healthier he will be :) My mom said she saw you at Heather's Baby shower...wish I could have gone but my baby had a bad ear infection. ANyway, I am so excited for you!
Camie I feel for you I was like that with Jersie and I was miserable, I know you are probably sick of hearing hang in there but it is the best thing specially since it is a boy. I can't say I had the same pains this time since I had a scheduled c section. You look great being 38 weeks wish I looked as good as you do when I was 38n weeks. Soak up the time you have now as soon as your precious baby comes life changes. Keep me posted I am so excited for you.
Ugh, I feel your pain!! Contractions suck! Do what Chris said though! Pop those Tylenol Pms every night and get the best sleep now! I've heard horror stories about being induced, it takes twice as long as it should've. Vance will come when he's done growing! Good luck...I'm sorry for your pain! Yuck, I am not excited for this part of pregnancy! Love the pic!
Bummer! I would've been at the hospital. You are much more patient than me. It sounds miserable, I guess I've never had the painful contractions (and fever...yuck!, I just lose my mind emotionally and mentally. That alone is enough to do someone don't need the pain and no sleep on top of it all. Luckily the first kid is always the hardest to wait for. When you have your next you will at least have another baby to take your mind off and keep you busy, so it's not as least for me. Either way, Vance will be here before you know it! I can't wait!
That is disappointing and frustrating! He'll come though don't you worry! I can't wait to see him! We are going to Rocky Point Thursday till Sunday and I'll bet you have him while we are gone!
I bet you are SO frustrated! I was induced at 38 weeks and that was really hard and lead to a really painful labor but I still think I'd prefer that to what you're going through! Braxton Hicks sound like they suck big time!
Hey..your story sounds like mine..I had a painful labor for 4 days...on the 4th day I went to the hospital and told the nurse...I'm not going home without my baby she kept me in for a few hrs...i gave birth to my son the next day through a caeserean delivery....I very much agree with you...there is no such thing as false labor...the pains are very son is 4months old now..and now i have started looking up to see why false labor happens and can I prevent it the next was very nice to read your blog and congratulations on your son..he is lovely!!! - Charu
So, I was on google, and I typed in false labor and your blog came up. Well, I went through it today i guess. I'm a little over 38 weeks prego with my 3rd. I have been dilated to a 3 for awhile. Last night the contractions were 2 minutes apart and strong. I went in dilated to a 4 and then stopped. Got sent home even though I was still having contractions!!
Aghhhh!! It's so hard to be patient at this state of the game!!
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