What can i say another year come and gone! And for anyone keeping track...
yes willie JUST turned 25 so that DOES make me a bit older...
Birthday's aren't exactly what they used to be when you were a kid and YOUR whole month was special (at least in our house it was)! I can see how people could dread their birthdays as a sign of getting older, lets face it im officially closer to 30 then 20! HOWEVER i've vowed to myself to get excited about each birthday from now to 90 bc thats one more year of a great life! This year was especially great, full of lots of memories, a little sadness but mostly joy!
I had a great dinner with mine and Willie's fam @ Famous Daves ( it was a little chucky cheesy...but we love their BBQ and Vance loved Wilbur!) Thanks everyone for the special gifts and the text messages, letters, emails and phone calls through out the day!
I had to show my new shirt as well since it is one of Chase's designs and since he is on his mission in New Zealand this was his contribution! Thanks pal, I love it!

Thanks love for the special day! (and just a side note, i have been begging for a new camera lense and willie went out and sold one of his guns and suprised me with the lense for my bday!) i guess he gets some points for that!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Your hair looks fab by the way- :) we have to double date sometime- it would be fun!
Happy Birthday! Sorry we couldn't make it to dinner! We will see you at Sunday dinner!
It was great fun, thanks for the invite..
Happy B-day they say you are only as old as you feel [and act]!!
How fun! It looks like you had a great birthday! Hope to see you in Mexico! Happy 26th!
CAMI!! You are lookin SMOKIN HOTT!! your bod looks amazing!! I need to catch up with you:)
Happy Belated!
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